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Relaxation Massage


Let go of all the stress, challenges, and upsets you may be carrying in your body. I ask to take away all that is not serving you, having you feel relaxed and at peace.


Relaxation Massage takes you on a journey of deep relaxation, calming your soul, uplifting your spirit, helping you to let go of stress, upsets, challenges, having you feel a deep sense of peace and feeling as light as a feather.


Totally amazing.




Reiki Massage


A unique style of soothing Relaxation Massage using the energy of my reiki hands. Having you feeling uplifted, refreshed, and a whole lot lighter. You'll feel inspired on a different level, with faith and hope, love, and so much joy.


I will guide you to let go of any emotional, physical, and mental pain which you may be suffering from - relating to work, relationships (past & present), family, and unresolved grief - reconnecting you to who you really are.


"I feel honoured and blessed to share my gift with you. Always coming from a place of highest good.


Thank you, from my heart to yours." 


                       - Anita Harding

Massage Booking
Relaxation Massage
1 hr
Reiki Healing
1 hr
Ultimate Wellbeing Package
2 hr

—  Kylie


Wow! It feels as if a heavy weight has been lifted from me, and now with this lightness, clarity, and joy, I feel I can accomplish anything and everything!


Thank you Anita, you truly are an angel!

Ready to Transform Your Life?


Join Anita at Joyful Hearts and start your journey towards a happier, more authentic you. Embrace the benefits of personalised guidance and compassionate support that will help you thrive.


Available at two locations:


Centre of Healing Somerville

1/68 Station Street

Somerville.  VIC.  3912


Unit 7/102B Country Club Dr, Safety Beach VIC 3936, Australia


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